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Up Next in December 2023

  • The Tabernacle; Hebrews 9-10

    "The author of Hebrews looks back to the old Testament, claiming that God had placed symbols in Israel's history that point to Christ. From today's reading, we go to the formation of Israel as a nation, right after their exodus from Egypt. God had them create the Tabernacle at the centre of their...

  • Faith; Hebrews 11-13

    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen‚
    (HEBREWS 1 1 : 1 ). The question is: What does that mean? The substance of things hoped for? The evidence of things not seen? How do you have evidence of things that you cannot see, and substance of what you hope fo...

  • Suffering; 1 Peter 4-5

    "Suffering is not always because of sin. There are hundreds of thousands who are suffering because they have chosen to live for and worship the LORD Jesus Christ. Statistics tell us that in the world today 1 in 7 Christians suffer for their faith in Christ. In fact, there has never been a larger ...