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Up Next in February 2023

  • Setting up Israel; Deuteronomy 1-3

    Israel was no longer a family but a nation. Their core principles had been laid out for them by God through Moses, similar to what we would call a constitution. Now, in Deuteronomy, the people are getting ready to enter the land God had promised to their forefather Abraham hundreds of years earli...

  • A Pride Problem; Deuteronomy 4-6

    "History is full of examples of people rising from next to nothing and becoming great leaders, conquerors, and revolutionaries only to lose their success because of their great pride. The Bible says in Proverbs 11:2, When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom.‚ And again, i...

  • Serious Sin; Deuteronomy 15-18

    "our culture is actively engaged in justifying, ignoring, and even celebrating sin. Regardless, sin remains a serious problem, and if we look closely, we still do agree on the definition of the word. For example, even defines sin as a, transgression of divine law: any act regarded ...