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Up Next in March 2023

  • Will of God or Men?; 1 Samuel 24-28

    "What does it mean when we say, I follow God‚? How does someone do that? As a follower of God, how one lives and responds reveals much about what they believe. This is a question David explored. When David was defending Israel, he was considered by many to be an enemy of Israel. However, the trut...

  • The Move Forward; 1 Samuel 29-31

    "When we experience dark or devastating circumstances, as people who follow Jesus Christ as LORD, we wonder why? Why do we have so many problems? The answer is important, although simple. What we need to do is focus our attention on how God desires us to respond or react. David, the great king of...

  • David's Success; 2 Samuel 8-12

    "David continues to conquer the land which God had given Israel, completing the work the tribes of Israel were tasked to do in the book of Joshua. Much was left undone in ancient Israel, but David, following the LORD, completed it. David grew up a shepherd of his father's sheep, yet it was the LO...