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Up Next in March 2023

  • Their own Solution; Judges 18-21

    "The people living in the Promised Land created a major mess for themselves and made it worse when they attempted to fix it on their own. In fact, we see many examples in the book of Judges of them doing exactly what the words of God told them not to do. By the time we get to Judges 21, we're at ...

  • Faithful to Follow; Ruth 1-4

    "The time of the Judges was a time of change. We're told multiple times that everyone did what was right in their own eyes. We read about how evil was so prevalent that no one seems to have been able to worship God the way they were supposed to. That is one of the reasons why the book of Ruth is ...

  • Change of Leadership; 1 Samuel 1-4

    "The transition of the leadership of Israel from Judges to Kings is the theme of the book of 1 Samuel. Samuel was the thirteenth and last Judge of Israel. The people had decided that they wanted a king. No more would God raise up temporary deliverers to rescue Israel from their physical enemies. ...