Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
Our Work Will Be Known; Psalms 37-40
Season 5, Episode 15
"God keeps perfect records; His mind does not fade with age like ours does. God does not get old like we do, He is perfect and holy. The desire of God is to make His children grow to become more and more like Him. Jesus Christ came to earth 2,000 years ago, fully man and fully God. He was, and is, the living Son of God, who had taken the dark flesh and made it full of His light. That is what Christians have experienced when they made the decision to follow Jesus Christ and give their lives to Him. Psalm 37 tells us not to worry or be upset over evildoers. We, as followers of Christ, are learning to understand the world in which we live as a sinful, dark place. Jesus Christ is coming back to earth soon, and whatever we have done in our flesh will affect how we live in the future. only God can give us the hope of true forgiveness!
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in May 2023
The Mighty one; Psalms 50-54
"There is a specific call to the earth and to the heavens from Almighty God. This call is covered in Psalm 50. The LORD says, ""The Mighty one, God the LORD, has spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to its going down.‚ (PSALM 50:1) This Psalm is the lyrics to a powerful song tha...
The Call to God; Psalms 55-59
"When the enemy of our soul troubles us severely, on whom do we call? Whom can we ask to help us when it feels like all the earth is coming against our work? Psalm 55 is a composition written by David at a time when the enemy was making advances toward him. The compilation of the book of Psalms i...
Scatter our Enemies; Psalms 60-64
"There is no question that this world is troubled. There is something wrong! The Bible identifies this trouble as sin, rebellion against the absolute authority of God. When we realize that sin is our enemy, we begin to change the way we think about sin. We learn and understand that the only way t...