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Up Next in May 2023

  • Time of Change; Psalms 69-72

    "We are in a time of great shifting in the world. Never before have individuals traveled so fast, so far, and so high, as they do today. Never before have we been in constant communication with anyone, anywhere from a device in our pocket. Never before could a person radically change their body w...

  • Times of Repentance; Psalms 80-84

    "Repentance today is often seen as a deep sorrow, shame, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like, regret for any past action. The idea of regret is the key. There are many who never regret anything they have wanted to do or have done. They are protesting moral truth for their own mo...

  • Paradise; Psalms 85-89

    "Paradise! It's often associated with heaven, the final abode of the righteous. It is interesting to think about, however, that paradise is more than just heaven, a vacation, or an unexplored island. Paradise is not so much a place as it is a condition. When we humble ourselves and truly repent b...