Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)

12 Seasons

New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
  • June, 2023 Bible Discovery Guide Psalms - Isaiah

    3.56 MB

    Make the most of your devotional time with our Guide to the Bible in a year. Each Guide provides valuable context and theological insight to help strengthen your faith and dig deeper into the richness of God's Word every day.

  • A Call to Worship; Psalms 95-100

    Episode 1

    "There are going to be times when we don't feel like praising God. The truth, however, is that it is good for us to worship. It is beneficial for us spiritually, and it keeps our hearts and minds right, focused on God's truth. God's truth gives us important perspective for living in this fallen w...

  • Every Day Decisions; Psalms 101-104

    Episode 2

    "Every day we are faced with multiple decisions about how to act and react. I often say
    that it is easy to act like a Christian but harder to react like a Christ-follower. Reactions happen fast, so they often reveal what we are really like. It's much easier for us when we have time to think about...

  • God Builds Life; Psalms 113-118

    Episode 3

    "When we study the Bible, the Holy Spirit helps us gain the mind of Christ. This helps us hear the words of God properly and gain the most understanding from them. The restoration of our minds is necessary because we are sinners under the influence of evil. Unfortunately, this means that we conti...

  • The Son of Commandment; Psalms 119

    Episode 4

    "The Psalms is an ancient poetic hymnbook for everyone who loves the LORD with all their heart, soul, strength, and mind. The book of Psalms is the longest in the old Testament with 150 chapters. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, containing 176 verses divided into 22 stanzas of 7 ver...

  • Peace and War; Psalms 120-125

    Episode 5

    "War is horrible. When sin comes to the front of society and men have ignored God, we have war. The Apostle Paul told the Church at Corinth to keep their personal desires in check. In 1 Corinthians 1:10 Paul says, ""Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you al...

  • Captivity with God; Psalms 126-135

    Episode 6

    "Today we love and desire the freedom to do what we want, when we want, but that attitude and approach to life can be devastating - - not just for you but others, too. When we make our own decisions all the time, in every way, people end up suffering and perishing. Freedom is never free. True fr...

  • Against Satan; Psalms 135-138

    Episode 7

    "Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and the Bible is His Word. It is the LORD speaking to people yesterday and today and tomorrow. There is a reason why it may seem hard for us to read and heed it. Satan the enemy of our soul does not want us getting close to
    the LORD Jesus Christ. This is his only...

  • Remember Who God Is; Psalms 147-150

    Episode 8

    "Remembering God as the Creator of all things has a way of keeping everything in its proper place. God has created the physical systems that we live within, everything that humans accomplish is because He created the potential for that accomplishment. Regardless of whether we recognize it or not,...

  • The Call of Wisdom; Proverbs 1-4

    Episode 9

    "The book of Proverbs is designed to equip God's people with wisdom that enables them
    to function well in a sin-cursed world. This is no easy assignment! Since Solomon is the
    main contributor to the book of Proverbs, the Hebrew title of the book is called ""Proverbs
    of Solomon.‚ The rabbinical wr...

  • Temptation; Proverbs 5-8

    Episode 10

    "God created good things for us to experience in our lives, and many of these things bring us joy and pleasure. However, we were never meant to spend our lives pursuing pleasure. Pleasure is not our purpose. Unfortunately, we all know that pleasure can become a snare for our souls. The pursuit of...

  • Learning; Proverbs 9-11

    Episode 11

    "The Bible says that the best way to have a long life is to learn wisdom. There are a lot of ways that we seek longevity today - exercise, diet, medication, surgeries, science - but a good long life begins with God's wisdom. It can be a really difficult thing for us to get in a learning mood....

  • Becoming Wise; Proverbs 12-14

    Episode 12

    "What we believe affects how we behave, and how we behave affects how people see us - - our character, lifestyle, and reputation. If we are willing to learn, knowing that we do not and will not know everything, we will do well. However, if we assume that we have all the answers to our problems a...

  • Bought and Redeemed!; Proverbs 21-24

    Episode 13

    "Whatever the nation pays for with its tax money shows what is important to that nation. But we don't always have a say in those decisions. As Christians, we are simply called to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's‚ ( L U K E 2 0 : 2 5 ) . This mean...

  • Solomon's Mistakes; Proverbs 25-27

    Episode 14

    "He was the man whom God had anointed, or set apart, for the wisdom of God. And even though Solomon had the wisdom, he did not gain the heart for God as his father David had. At the end of his reign, those who wrote the history tell us that Solomon sailed off the deep end. ""But King Solomon love...

  • What Creates Good?; Proverbs 28-31

    Episode 15

    "Many believe that they can create conditions that provide good outcomes. But let's review the meaning of what good is. 1 Corinthians 13 is dedicated to the definition of love, or as the early King James Bible calls it, ""charity"". The implication of charity is a loving and generous giving, to h...

  • The Preacher; Ecclesiates 1-3

    Episode 16

    "The book of Ecclesiastes dives into the painful truths and hard questions of life. The key word is vanity: the pointless emptiness of trying to be happy while separated from God. There are Hebrew words qo heleth translated as Teacher‚in many translations, probably means, assembly leader‚ or publ...

  • The Problem With Fools; Ecclesiates 4-6

    Episode 17

    "one of the biggest problems with those who have rejected the idea of God is their lack of an answer for the God-shaped void in their heart. Every human being is spiritual as well as physical. The question is what will answer your spiritual needs? To many in the world, the answer becomes themselv...

  • A Love Song; Song of Songs 1-3

    Episode 18

    "The Hebrew title Shir Hashirim comes from Song of Solomon 1:1, The song of songs, which is Solomon's.‚ The Song of Solomon is a love song written by King Solomon to celebrate the love between him and his bride. The book reads like scenes from a drama with three main speakers: the King (Solomon),...

  • God Expresses His Love; Song of Songs 4-8

    Episode 19

    "How do we think God communicates His love to us? This is a great question because we have no reference for God's love outside of our life. When we exit this life and enter into eternity, we will have a whole set of new experiences to consider as God expresses His love to us. An important questio...

  • In the Future; Isaiah4-5

    Episode 21

    "Although the book of Isaiah was written in the past, it is about the future. That is why it is called prophecy. Prophecy is defined as the foretelling of what is to come. Isaiah 4 speaks of a time in our future when the events of the tribulation have begun, and Jesus Christ returns to the earth....

  • Send Me; Isaiah6-8

    Episode 22

    "The Bible is a collection of writings thousands of years old, yet is the most published and distributed book in the world, translated into more languages than any other book. It is unique. Cultural Historian, Gabriel Sivan, said this about the Bible: ""No other document in the possession of mank...