Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
A Difficult Book; Jeremiah 1-3
Season 7, Episode 15
"Chapter 1 of Jeremiah introduces us to Jeremiah the prophet, who he is and where he came from. His tribe was Benjamin, whom we have seen go on a varied journey throughout Scripture. Back in Judges, we read about how the tribe of Benjamin was nearly destroyed for their great evil, then Israel's first king came from them, and now, this prophet of God is called forward with a very difficult message. The Hebrew name for Jeremiah is Yirmeyahu or Yirmeyah which literally means ""Yahweh Throws,"" possibly in the sense of laying a foundation.Itcouldessentiallymean,YahwehEstablishes,Appoints,orSends.‚ Jeremiah is appointed and sent by God to communicate judgment. Jeremiah would prophesy for
40 years what God had shown him about the coming consequences for the nation's unrepentant sin. The message was clear: A great enemy was coming who would destroy the nation including the capital city of Jerusalem. How would the people respond?
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023) - June 2023.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in July 2023
Impressive?; Jeremiah 10-13
"It seems to me that today, the more we assert our own amazing individuality, the more attention and worship we seem to draw to ourselves. In Jeremiah 9, we see God speaking to a people who are impressed with themselves, who are fixated on what they can and have created with their own hands. Idol...
Do Not Leave Us, LORD; Jeremiah 14-16
"A return to God means a change in how you live your life. God calls us out of sin and destruction and into His glorious victory. This will look a little bit different for each person's life. It may mean new friends, new places, and certainly new patterns in our lifestyles that may feel strange a...
A Tree Planted by the River; Jeremiah...
"Today's passage highlights the contrast between God's wisdom and man's wisdom. Even the wisest king of Israel, famous King Solomon, failed to properly lead God's people. We need more than wisdom to live a godly life, we need to be obedient to the Word of God. Even when it may not always seem wis...