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Up Next in July 2023

  • Sickness & Truth; Jeremiah 20-22

    "When Jeremiah stood in the court of the LORD's house and confronted the people of Jerusalem, they rebelled against him and his message. Pashhur, the priest and chief governor in the house of the LORD, heard about the things that Jeremiah had prophesied, and ordered that the prophet be beaten and...

  • Their own Land; Jeremiah 23-25

    "To me, relief is the best way to describe the coming of the LORD. We are all troubled by sin and evil and we have been for thousands of years. The natural or general revelation of God is expressed through creation. This testifies of God's existence and magnitude among others. The special revelat...

  • It's Not over; Jeremiah 32-34

    "In every human life there are circumstances outside of our control, and, too often, we believe that these events just happen by chance. But God is not like us, He is so much greater, He understands us better than we understand ourselves. He can make beautiful even the worst of circumstances. In ...