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Up Next in July 2023

  • The Nation of Cush; Isaiah 18-21

    "The Biblical land of Cush has been identified as the land south of Egypt, today it is called Ethiopia. The people who lived there were descendants of the son of Ham and grandson of Noah. Cush was known for locusts, and that may be why it's referred to as the land shadowed with buzzing wings(ISAI...

  • The City of God Exposed; Isaiah 22-24

    "It is easy to trust in the good work of the past to protect us from the evil around us today. But God makes it clear that every generation must decide for itself who He is and what that means to them, this will determine their future. In other words, God is present when we obey Him. Past actions...

  • The Thousand Year Reign; Isaiah 25-27

    "My belief about eschatology, about the Bible's end-times prophecies, leans more literal. That is not to say that there isn't poetic language, allegory, and metaphor involved, but only to say that I believe some of the prophecies to be speaking of a real, physical truth. For today's reading, this...