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Up Next in August 2023

  • There is No Peace; Jeremiah 41-44

    "Peace is a strange and infrequent virtue in this world where sin runs deep and unchecked in the human heart. The reason we have no peace is sin. We often explain sin away by calling it natural and emphasizing reasons for our behavior. We get used to living in our sinful state and even under the ...

  • A Message to Baruch; Jeremiah 45-48

    "Baruch came from a notable family and his name means blessed‚. He was the son of Neriah and grandson of Mahseiah, the governor of Jerusalem during the reign of King Josiah (2 CHRoN. 34:8, MAASEIAH), and the prophet Jeremiah's accomplished scribe. Today, archaeologists have uncovered Baruch's nam...

  • Hope in Times of Pain; Lamentations 1-3

    "The book of Lamentations showcases hard questions that can surface during times of pain. Written by Jeremiah, these words act as a funeral for the once proud city of Jerusalem that had been overthrown and reduced to ruins by Babylon. While this is a book about pain it is also a book about hope i...