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Up Next in September 2023

  • Many are Called; Matthew 22-23

    "In spite of our unworthiness, God calls and invites us into His Kingdom. In Matthew 22, Jesus tells a parable about a wedding banquet given by a king for his son. With everything prepared and ready, the king sends out his servants to call the invited guests to come, but each guest has an excuse ...

  • Jesus, on the End; Matthew 24-25

    "While Jesus' life and teachings have already come to earth, and so been revealed to us, there is a part of Jesus that hasn't yet come to fruition. one day, human hearts and actions will be judged by Him. Revelation 19 talks about Jesus bringing the wrath, the judgment of God to the people of the...

  • The woman and the oil; Matthew 26

    "In Jesus' time, the application of oil had a few different purposes: it was used daily to moisturize face and skin, it could be used medicinally, and it could be used ceremonially to prepare someone for a special event. This preparation was what the woman did when she anointed Jesus with her cos...