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Up Next in January 2024

  • Anointing the Priesthood; Exodus 26-29

    "The LORD consecrated Aaron and his sons, for generations to come, to be His priests on behalf of the people of Israel, setting them apart for a divine purpose. Aaron's posterity and tribe was named after Levi, one of the twelve sons of Jacob. God instructed Moses to set them apart before the con...

  • The People Fail; Exodus 30-32

    "What does it mean to fail God? Some would say there's no fault in failing because failure is inevitable for all human beings. To some extent that is true, but that is incomplete thought. God already instructed His people in the Ten Commandments not to make idols but to worship Him alone. As we r...

  • God's Mercy; Exodus 33-36

    "The book of Exodus does more than establish the origin story of the nation of Israel. It reveals to us more of God's character and more of God's plan of redemption, or salvation, for the world. As God deals with Israel and Moses, we get to see God's great mercy and God's great holiness. All thro...