Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
The Global Flood; Genesis 6-9
Season 1, Episode 3
"Noah's flood represents a serious change in history that would have effected the physical world in a significant way. Even today, if Noah's flood was real and global, that would change the way that we interpret the geological structures of the world. We all know how much violent storms impact the earth, so one of that magnitude would leave lasting changes. However, no matter how you view the flood of Noah, we can all agree on the clear messaging of Genesis in this history. God judged the earth because of the great sin of mankind. Mankind had descended so far into sin that every thought was evil. We're
told that there was only one family who had chosen to follow God, Noah's. We all know the rest of the story: God has Noah build a huge boat to serve as a lifeboat for his family and for the animals that they would take with them to survive the flood.
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in January 2024
Languages; Genesis 10-13
"Languages are such an interesting area of research. In the world today, there are about 7000 languages. Even with the development of new languages and the departure of older ones, the number has still continued to grow through time. one of the oldest languages to remain is Hebrew, the language o...
Israel; Genesis 14-17
"With the introduction of Abram, we see a shift in the story of the Bible. We've gone from the history of mankind to the history of God's people, God's plan of redemption for mankind is beginning to take shape. Abram, from Ur, is called away from his homeland and his father's house, to travel to ...
Covenants/Berith; Genesis 23-25
"In Hebrew, the word covenant is berith, a promise and agreement made between two or more persons, which entails an alliance and commandment to follow. These agreements are often made with God as their witness and source of accountability. For example, Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a woman from h...