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Up Next in January 2024

  • Languages; Genesis 10-13

    "Languages are such an interesting area of research. In the world today, there are about 7000 languages. Even with the development of new languages and the departure of older ones, the number has still continued to grow through time. one of the oldest languages to remain is Hebrew, the language o...

  • Israel; Genesis 14-17

    "With the introduction of Abram, we see a shift in the story of the Bible. We've gone from the history of mankind to the history of God's people, God's plan of redemption for mankind is beginning to take shape. Abram, from Ur, is called away from his homeland and his father's house, to travel to ...

  • Covenants/Berith; Genesis 23-25

    "In Hebrew, the word covenant is berith, a promise and agreement made between two or more persons, which entails an alliance and commandment to follow. These agreements are often made with God as their witness and source of accountability. For example, Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a woman from h...