Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
12 Seasons
New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year. We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
28:30Episode 23
The Government Hears; Acts 11-13
Episode 23
Jesus Christ was Jewish and made a serious and powerful dent in the religious armor of the Jewish statehood. often, when He was in active ministry, He resisted the religious elite. He spoke harshly to the scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees. But now, Jesus Christ had been crucified, rose from the de...
28:30Episode 22
The Spirit of the Gospel; Acts 9-10
Episode 22
The story of Cornelius' conversion and Peter's failure to grasp the significance of the new covenant is just fascinating. God is so patient with us. He slowly reveals the truth to us at a pace we can understand. Acts 10 is a great example of this. Peter did not want to visit Cornelius let alone e...
28:30Episode 21
Early Evangelism; Acts 6-8
Episode 21
Acts is about the actions of the Holy Spirit working through the apostles and in the world. While the apostles remained in Jerusalem, they were tested in many ways. Saul of Tarsus was a hard man, committed to condemn and kill Christians wherever he could find them. But even during persecution, th...
28:30Episode 20
Ananias & Sapphira; Acts 4-5
Episode 20
There have always been nominal Christians who claim to follow Jesus in word, but not so much in deed. We see this happen almost immediately. There are those who pretend to care and test God's Holy Spirit. This is something that every Bible-believing Christian knows not to do. The Holy Spirt is th...
28:30Episode 14
Light; John 7-8
Episode 14
The effects of light are palpable: even the tiniest bit of light can make a room or area crossable. Where there is no light, however, there is danger, the unknown, and fear. Jesus said that He was the light of the world, that everyone who believes in Him and follows Him would not walk in darkness...
28:30Episode 14
The Beginning; John 1-2
Episode 14
Things that have a beginning, have an end. All of our human experience tells us this. That's why it's an important Biblical teaching that God is eternal: He always was, He did not begin, He was, and is, and is to come. This contrasts with us and with the earth and universe. We all had a beginning...
28:30Episode 13
The Truth; Luke 22-24
Episode 13
"When Luke gets to the resurrection of Jesus, it always makes me think of his life as a physician. Luke was clearly a man who was concerned with accuracy and truth. In the beginning of his gospel, Luke tells of his extensive research, and this shows us that he was interested in what really happen...
28:30Episode 12
Confrontation; Luke 19-21
Episode 12
"We often focus on the healing and teaching elements of Jesus' earthly ministry, but Jesus also engaged in a lot of confrontation over truth. The religious leaders were frustrated with Jesus' authority, His healing and teaching that was outside of their traditions. Confrontations between them and...
28:30Episode 11
Humility; Luke 16-18
Episode 11
All throughout our culture we have bought the lie that we are enough. That we can do anything. That we just need to have confidence in ourselves or have really good self-esteem. The problem is that the Bible doesn't support that narrative. Every human being has a sin problem. Jesus came to earth ...
28:30Episode 10
The Prodigal Son; Luke 13-14
Episode 10
Though we remember well the famous prodigal son parable that Jesus told, we often don't remember who He told it to. Jesus' audience was split, there were religious Jews there listening as usual, but there were also tax collectors present. Tax collectors were not well-liked in Jesus' day because t...
28:30Episode 1
Parables; Mark 3-4
Episode 1
Jesus often spoke using parables when teaching about the Kingdom of God. Although many of us don't spend a lot of time thinking about the Kingdom of God, it is already come to us in the person of Jesus, and we are one heartbeat away from entering judgment. Though our birth
isn't a mystery to us, ... -
28:30Episode 2
Miracles & Power; Mark 5-6
Episode 2
Jesus came back to His own country, His own town, yet could not do much work there because of their unbelief. It is fascinating to think about how God works. our faith and trust in Him is a big part of what He will do. God's will is never sacrificed, because the LORD can move without us. However,...
28:30Episode 3
I'm Hungry; Mark 7-8
Episode 3
We are all made with desires that are meant to benefit us. Many of those desires have been sabotaged by sin, because satan knows very well how to destroy us. When we give in to the temptations that lead us into sin, we will fall. But as we do as Paul advises and run away from temptation, we grow ...
28:30Episode 4
Marriage; Mark 9-10
Episode 4
Marriage is amazing and difficult, but what exactly is it? Is marriage a manmade idea? or is it something sacred? Does a marriage's failure prove that it's manmade, or is it a comment on human nature? The Bible speaks much about marriage. It claims that in the beginning, God created man and woman...
28:30Episode 5
The Good News; Mark 15-16
Episode 5
Why is the message of Jesus Christ called the Good News? To understand that we should admit that there is bad news. Sin has caused so much pain, suffering and death, and it's now a part of our everyday lives. our world's evil is explained very easily by sin. By contrast then, the
very good news i... -
28:30Episode 6
The Gentile; Luke 1-2
Episode 6
The Gospel of Luke is widely believed to have been written to the Gentiles and is most probably written by a Gentile as well. Luke was a doctor, and does seem quite interested in the way Jesus Christ moved through healings. The way that Jesus told men to present themselves to the priests and abid...
28:30Episode 7
Temptation; Luke 3-4
Episode 7
Temptation is a powerful force that threatens to trip us up in our minds and bodies. It is all too easy to give into temptation and then blame God for allowing us to be tempted in the first place. However, the Bible tells us that, No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; b...
28:30Episode 8
The Disciples; Luke 5-6
Episode 8
In the gospel of Luke we see Jesus dealing with the ideas of the people around religion and rules of righteousness. Some of these rules were designed to govern the Sabbath. The Sabbath day is first mentioned in the book of Genesis 2:1-3, Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, w...
28:30Episode 9
The Ministry; Luke 7-8
Episode 9
The ministry of Jesus Christ was a central point in God's redemptive history. Never before had God been so clear in His presentation of what it means to be a child of the Kingdom. Jesus, as the only Begotten Son of God, was uniquely positioned to show and explain the Kingdom to us. It's interesti...
28:30Episode 16
Thomas; John 9-11
Episode 16
Though the apostle Thomas has a substantial Christian tradition that goes along with the rest of his life, he is perhaps best known as doubting Thomas‚. This tends to skew our vision of him negatively, but I think it's more helpful to have a realistic view of Thomas. He was a person, not a charac...
28:30Episode 17
Faithful Thomas; John 12-14
Episode 17
Thomas is mentioned again by the writer in John chapter 14. Thomas was a man full of great faith, even though he did not know it. This passage of Scripture is one of the most important to know when we describe the LORD Jesus Christ, and His work and mission. Jesus clearly tells us that He is God,...
28:30Episode 18
Prayer; John 15-17
Episode 18
Prayer is the way we speak and listen to God. This is the short definition. Prayer is so much more to those in Church authority. It is a habitual effort of the heart to submit our lives to God; and pours out of our humility and weakness. It is like a knight kneeling before his King, or like a ser...
28:30Episode 19
Crucifixion; John 18-19
Episode 19
Most people believe that Jesus was a man who lived on the earth two-thousand years ago. They believe that He was crucified by the Romans after being convicted by the Jews, but many do not believe that Jesus Christ was fully God. Today, many priestly leaders do not believe that Jesus rose from the...