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Up Next in October 2024

  • Temptation; Luke 3-4

    Temptation is a powerful force that threatens to trip us up in our minds and bodies. It is all too easy to give into temptation and then blame God for allowing us to be tempted in the first place. However, the Bible tells us that, No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; b...

  • The Disciples; Luke 5-6

    In the gospel of Luke we see Jesus dealing with the ideas of the people around religion and rules of righteousness. Some of these rules were designed to govern the Sabbath. The Sabbath day is first mentioned in the book of Genesis 2:1-3, Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, w...

  • The Ministry; Luke 7-8

    The ministry of Jesus Christ was a central point in God's redemptive history. Never before had God been so clear in His presentation of what it means to be a child of the Kingdom. Jesus, as the only Begotten Son of God, was uniquely positioned to show and explain the Kingdom to us. It's interesti...