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Up Next in October 2024

  • Thomas; John 9-11

    Though the apostle Thomas has a substantial Christian tradition that goes along with the rest of his life, he is perhaps best known as doubting Thomas‚. This tends to skew our vision of him negatively, but I think it's more helpful to have a realistic view of Thomas. He was a person, not a charac...

  • Faithful Thomas; John 12-14

    Thomas is mentioned again by the writer in John chapter 14. Thomas was a man full of great faith, even though he did not know it. This passage of Scripture is one of the most important to know when we describe the LORD Jesus Christ, and His work and mission. Jesus clearly tells us that He is God,...

  • Prayer; John 15-17

    Prayer is the way we speak and listen to God. This is the short definition. Prayer is so much more to those in Church authority. It is a habitual effort of the heart to submit our lives to God; and pours out of our humility and weakness. It is like a knight kneeling before his King, or like a ser...