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Up Next in December 2024

  • Thessalonica; 1 Thessalonians 1-3

    1 Thessalonians was written as a letter to the church at Thessalonica, early on in Paul's ministry. It's believed to have been written not long after Timothy joined Paul's mission, and it seems to be aimed at answering questions that the Thessalonians may have about God and the gospel of Christ. ...

  • People Who Know; 1 Thessalonians 4-5

    The Thessalonian Christians knew God and understood that God's Kingdom was coming. Paul calls them sons of the light‚. They knew how they were supposed to live, they knew God, and they knew persecution. It is interesting to me that they were told to comfort one another with the knowledge that Chr...

  • Prayer for the Word; 2 Thessalonians 1-3

    God has preserved His Word in the form of the Scriptures so that we can direct our lives according to what it says. The Bible reveals the character of God to us; its histories, poems, commands, and teachings work to give us a dynamic picture of God. More than this, as we study the Word with the i...