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Up Next in February 2024

  • Separation; Numbers 4-6

    "The people of God were, and still are, called to be holy, to be separated from the world in word, in action, in lifestyle. Separation to the LORD may look different in different times and cultures but it always involves separation from the sins of this world. When we come to Jesus Christ we conf...

  • Dedication; Numbers 7-9

    "Dedication. In so many ways this word defines what Moses and Aaron were commanded to do at the beginning of the nation of Israel. The nation itself was to be dedicated to God, its people were to be dedicated to following God, the priesthood had to be dedicated to serving God and the people. This...

  • Complaining; Numbers 10-13

    "The time that Israel spent in the wilderness was challenging, and it did not draw out their best behavior. Many of them seemed like professional complainers, viewing themselves as customers of God rather than as people called to fulfill God's plans. Unfortunately, they complained about God's pro...