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Up Next in February 2024

  • Hope for the Future; Numbers 35-36

    "In Numbers 36, the tribe of Manasseh was concerned with the law that allowed daughters of
    a father to inherit his land. This meant that the land of a tribe could be given to other tribes
    through the marriage of these daughters. God's answer to this problem maintained the integrity of the daughte...

  • The Captured; Deuteronomy 1-3

    "In today's reading, we see some brutal history that displays how much God had blessed Israel before they even entered the Promised Land. The people around Israel were threatened by and hostile to Israel's presence. Seizing the opportunity to defeat this landless group, the people of Bashan set t...

  • The Prophets; Deuteronomy 11-14

    "The principle of Deuteronomy 13 is critically important. Just because someone can prophesy or do signs, wonders, or miracles, does not mean that we should follow everything they say. Signs and wonders, prophecies, and dreams are not necessarily verification of God's backing. The person's teachin...