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Up Next in March 2024

  • Struggle; Judges 4-6

    "A main challenge or question that people have when it comes to God is: If God is all-powerful and all-loving, then why is there evil and suffering on the earth? It is interesting to me that when people think of an all-loving, all-powerful God, their immediate conclusion is that God would think l...

  • God Delivers Israel; Judges 7-9

    "There is no question in my mind that God can deliver anyone from anything, and any nation from any other nation. The Bible demonstrates this here in the book of Judges, as well as in Esther, Daniel, Ezra, and throughout the New Testament - take your pick. Even in modern times, we have seen how...

  • The Child Nazirite; Judges 10-13

    "The Nazirite vow is described back in Numbers 6, and it was a way that men and women could temporarily commit their lives to God in a special manner. With the stipulations of Numbers 6 as our background, it is curious that God calls on a person not yet born to be a Nazirite from birth. To do thi...