Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
12 Seasons
New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year. We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
April 2024, Bible Discovery Guide: 2 Kings - Esther
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Make the most of your devotional time with our Guide to the Bible in a year. Each Guide provides valuable context and theological insight to help strengthen your faith and dig deeper into the richness of God's Word every day.
28:30Episode 20
Overpowering Evil; Esther 5-10
Episode 20
orphaned and raised by her cousin Mordecai, Hadassah became Queen Esther, the first of many miracles God performed in and through her life. The story of Esther is a narrative of how God provides and preserves us when we love Him. It's amazing to see how God can use the most unlikely people to hel...
28:30Episode 19
Mordecai's Faithfulness; Esther 1-4
Episode 19
The book of Esther takes place in Susa during the reign of the Persian king Ahasuerus. Hadassah,
whose Hebrew name means myrtle‚, was an orphaned Jewish girl, raised by her cousin Mordecai
who loved her like a daughter. The account begins with Vashti the queen of Persia, publicly
refusing to come... -
28:30Episode 1
Spirit on the Move; 2 Kings 1-4
Episode 1
The works that God accomplished through Elijah were profound and often dramatic, and Elijah's young prophet-in-training, Elisha, had a front row seat. When it came time for Elijah to be taken to heaven, Elisha was determined to stay close to Elijah. Even though Elijah's words prompted Elisha to l...
28:30Episode 2
Seeing Things; 2 Kings 5-8
Episode 2
Elisha was known as a great prophet of God. The Bible highlights what he did in small everyday events and how he involved himself in larger national events. People learned not to doubt God because of Elisha's life. Elisha lived and ministered in Northern Israel. Comprised of most of the original ...
28:30Episode 3
God Promised a Change; 2 Kings 9-12
Episode 3
When God says something, He does it. It is so important for us to know God's Word; this is how we know what the voice of God sounds like. We need to learn His Word and make room for quiet time in our lives to listen to God. God is concerned for us, for the lives of people. He is speaking and acti...
28:30Episode 4
God's Timing; 2 Kings 13-16
Episode 4
There is what we want and desire, and then there is the LORD's will. Too often we get these backwards; we think that God's will is the same thing that we desire, but truthfully, as we live our lives with God, He reforms our desires to be for His will. We go from wanting God to give us what we wan...
28:30Episode 5
The Fall of Israel; 2 Kings 17-19
Episode 5
one of the greatest kings of ancient Jerusalem was a man named Hezekiah. He was king of Judah after his father Ahaz. Ahaz completely rebelled against the ways of God, and the Word of God, and the Law of God. To me, that makes it all the more amazing that when Hezekiah took over the kingdom, he co...
28:30Episode 6
Names; 1 Chronicles 1-5
Episode 6
"The book of 1 Chronicles begins with a genealogy that show the origins of the nation of Israel. It is interesting that the genealogy starts not with the patriarchs of Israel, but with the first man ever created, Adam. This emphasizes the family aspect first of humanity, and then of Israel, more ...
28:30Episode 7
Head of the House; 1 Chronicles 6-9
Episode 7
our concept of authority can be very messed up, thanks to sin. However, let us be clear in our Christian belief that Jesus Christ is the head of our households. There is no person, male or female, who has the ability to successfully be the head of the household. We must yield ultimate authority t...
The Secret to Success; 1 Chronicles 10-13
Episode 8
Being a good person in the eyes of people is one thing, but being a person who honours God and His covenant is something else. People can be fooled, people can have a faulty system of measuring goodness, but God sees and knows our hearts and our every action. He cannot be fooled. So how did David...
28:30Episode 7
Head of the House; 1 Chronicles 6-9
Episode 7
our concept of authority can be very messed up, thanks to sin. However, let us be clear in our Christian belief that Jesus Christ is the head of our households. There is no person, male or female, who has the ability to successfully be the head of the household. We must yield ultimate authority t...
28:30Episode 9
Organized Worship; 1 Chronicles 14-17
Episode 9
In 1 Chronicles 16, we see how David organized worship to be done before the Ark of the Covenant. After their initial celebration, David ensured that continuous music and praise would surround the Ark and the tent that housed it. The names of the worshipping and attending Levites are recorded her...
28:30Episode 10
The Hands of God; 1 Chronicles 18-21
Episode 10
We will inevitably make mistakes. Will we admit to those mistakes? or will we try to justify them? There are so many ways that we instinctually justify ourselves. We can deceive ourselves so easily. This is one of the reasons that we need to be friends with other Christians; real friends, who tal...
28:30Episode 11
Building the Temple; 2 Chronicles 1-5
Episode 11
"In our reading today, we see Solomon beginning to ready the kingdom of Israel to build the Temple. It was a project that was a long time coming. David, knowing that he wasn't the king to build the Temple, had instead made many preparations before he passed away. He had gathered money, resources,...
28:30Episode 12
The Key to Restoration; 2 Chronicles 6-9
Episode 12
There is absolutely nothing we can do to fix all our problems. We are in a whole bunch of trouble. Trouble caused by sin, both willful and unwitting. As a society and a culture, we have largely forgotten the truth. As a result of our crime, worldwide failure and embarrassing governmental struggle...
28:30Episode 13
God Split the Kingdom; 2 Chronicles 10-14
Episode 13
God's response to Solomon's failure as a king was to split the kingdom. He did so at the time Solomon died and his son took over. Jeroboam was an enemy of his father the king when he was alive, and hid out in Egypt until Solomon was dead. Solomon had been taxing the kingdom so much that it devast...
28:30Episode 14
Jehoshaphat's Kingdom; 2 Chronicles 15-19
Episode 14
Jehoshaphat was the son of Asa, and the fourth king of Judah, the nation south to Israel. The Bible says that Jehoshaphat not only did well in the sight of the LORD, but that he delighted in the way of God and restored the knowledge of God's Word back to the people. In our reading today of 2 Chro...
28:30Episode 15
Generational Choices; 2 Chronicles 20-24
Episode 15
Every generation must make a decision about who Jesus Christ is. None of us can ride the coat tails of our parents' or grandparents' decisions when it comes to faith. King Jehoram, in our reading today, is a prime example of this. Though his father was a king who regarded the ways of God and resp...
God's Word is Discovered; 2 Chronicles 33-36
Episode 16
The history of King Josiah, the sixteenth king of Judah, is a high point in the declining southern kingdom. Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. His father Amon had died, and he had led Judah in idol worship and pagan practices. After over half a century of this rebellion
against ... -
28:30Episode 17
The Book of Ezra; Ezra 1-4
Episode 17
The book of Ezra is full of interesting things, including its history. In the Septuagint, which is an ancient Greek translation of the old Testament, the books we call Ezra and Nehemiah are titled Ezra 1 and Ezra 2. our English Bibles choose to name them individually, but the content is still the...
28:30Episode 18
A Public Prayer; Ezra 5-10
Episode 18
There are three kinds of prayer I would like to highlight. First, is a private time when we devote ourselves to personal daily prayer with the LORD. Next, is small group prayer in which we pray with people that we know or even pray for someone on the spot, in our conversations with them. The thir...
28:30Episode 19
Rebuilding the Walls; Nehemiah 1-4
Episode 19
The name Nehemiah means Comfort of Yahweh.‚ The book covers the period of time when Nehemiah and Jerusalem were in need of God's comfort. Nehemiah was greatly troubled because the walls and gates of Jerusalem remained broken and in ruins. A city without walls was not only unprotected and vulnerab...
28:30Episode 20
On Faith, Not Fear; Nehemiah 5-7
Episode 20
Fear is an amazing motivator. We can control people with fear, manipulate their decisionmaking, threaten their perceived future with what could happen,‚ and more. That is exactly what the enemies of God tried to do to Nehemiah, in their conspiracy against him. While God knows everything and canno...