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Up Next in April 2024

  • The Book of Ezra; Ezra 1-4

    The book of Ezra is full of interesting things, including its history. In the Septuagint, which is an ancient Greek translation of the old Testament, the books we call Ezra and Nehemiah are titled Ezra 1 and Ezra 2. our English Bibles choose to name them individually, but the content is still the...

  • A Public Prayer; Ezra 5-10

    There are three kinds of prayer I would like to highlight. First, is a private time when we devote ourselves to personal daily prayer with the LORD. Next, is small group prayer in which we pray with people that we know or even pray for someone on the spot, in our conversations with them. The thir...

  • Rebuilding the Walls; Nehemiah 1-4

    The name Nehemiah means Comfort of Yahweh.‚ The book covers the period of time when Nehemiah and Jerusalem were in need of God's comfort. Nehemiah was greatly troubled because the walls and gates of Jerusalem remained broken and in ruins. A city without walls was not only unprotected and vulnerab...