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Up Next in April 2024

  • Generational Choices; 2 Chronicles 20-24

    Every generation must make a decision about who Jesus Christ is. None of us can ride the coat tails of our parents' or grandparents' decisions when it comes to faith. King Jehoram, in our reading today, is a prime example of this. Though his father was a king who regarded the ways of God and resp...

  • God's Word is Discovered; 2 Chronicle...

    The history of King Josiah, the sixteenth king of Judah, is a high point in the declining southern kingdom. Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. His father Amon had died, and he had led Judah in idol worship and pagan practices. After over half a century of this rebellion
    against ...

  • The Book of Ezra; Ezra 1-4

    The book of Ezra is full of interesting things, including its history. In the Septuagint, which is an ancient Greek translation of the old Testament, the books we call Ezra and Nehemiah are titled Ezra 1 and Ezra 2. our English Bibles choose to name them individually, but the content is still the...