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Up Next in April 2024

  • Head of the House; 1 Chronicles 6-9

    our concept of authority can be very messed up, thanks to sin. However, let us be clear in our Christian belief that Jesus Christ is the head of our households. There is no person, male or female, who has the ability to successfully be the head of the household. We must yield ultimate authority t...

  • Organized Worship; 1 Chronicles 14-17

    In 1 Chronicles 16, we see how David organized worship to be done before the Ark of the Covenant. After their initial celebration, David ensured that continuous music and praise would surround the Ark and the tent that housed it. The names of the worshipping and attending Levites are recorded her...

  • The Hands of God; 1 Chronicles 18-21

    We will inevitably make mistakes. Will we admit to those mistakes? or will we try to justify them? There are so many ways that we instinctually justify ourselves. We can deceive ourselves so easily. This is one of the reasons that we need to be friends with other Christians; real friends, who tal...