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Up Next in May 2024

  • Hope In God; Psalms 41-44

    Psalm 42 marks the beginning of book two within the Psalms. It is a song that was written by someone seeking and calling out for God in a time of distress. This author is longing for the LORD, As the deep pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, o God‚ ( PSALM 4 2 : 1 ). It is amazin...

  • God Is our Refuge; Psalms 45-49

    God is the definition of strength! He is life. He is the essence of power. That is why it is so important for us to sing and pray Psalm 46, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble‚ ( PSALM 46:1). When we believe that, and live that, then the reality of the LORD our God, Jes...

  • David's Thoughts; Psalms 50-54

    There are some days when it feels like everything we do is too hard and it's all going in the wrong direction, and there are some people who seem to have a difficult time in life no matter what they do. In this instance, when someone works hard to help his employer, yet is punished for the good h...