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Up Next in May 2024

  • Fame; Psalms 73-76

    Today, fame and success seem to be measured by how many people follow you or view your social media posts. But fame is not the true measure of success, and it is very deceptive. Christians are not supposed to seek fame and success, we are supposed to be about being righteous. This is what the LOR...

  • Israel; Psalms77-79

    This world can be so depressing! our taxes are spent on things that greave God and violate His morality. There is war, death, suffering. And where there is no war, death, or suffering, we fight over who we should support in their war, death, and suffering. A case in point is the whole
    awful situa...

  • Psalms; 80-84

    My great friend, Jim Cantelon, often speaks about what God says to us in the old Testament: The Bible speaks of justice and righteousness.‚ He goes on to explain that the LORD is consistent with His call on all our lives, to do justice and righteousness. What happens when we do not pursue these t...