Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)

10 Seasons

Coming in 2024:
New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year. We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
  • The Prophets; Isaiah1-3

    Episode 20

    Without question, Isaiah was a great prophet of God. His ministry spanned four kings of Judah, with its capital city of Jerusalem. Those kings were Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Isaiah seems to have had frequent access to the courts of the kings. It is also interesting that the book of Isai...

  • Closing Thoughts; Song of Songs 4-8

    Episode 19

    Song of Songs is a serious and wonderful musical play in the Bible. I think it is the perfect thing to read before delving into the prophets of God. The closing thoughts of the Song are interesting to me in their comparisons of love and hate, love and war. In chapter 8, we hear from the Shulamite...

  • Love Song; Song of Songs 1-3

    Episode 18

    The Song of Solomon, also called the Song of Songs, was written by Solomon about two people bound together in love for each other. Many interpreters have taken this to be an ultimate allegory showing the love between the LORD and His Church. Whether this is your view or not, we can all agree that...

  • June 2024, Bible Discovery Guide: Psalms - Isaiah

    3.22 MB

    Make the most of your devotional time with our Guide to the Bible in a year. Each Guide provides valuable context and theological insight to help strengthen your faith and dig deeper into the richness of God's Word every day.

  • God Acts; Psalms 105-107

    Episode 1

    How many times can we say that God acted on our behalf when we didn’t deserve it? My guess
    would be: Too many times to count! God’s mercy is not just for us personally, it also makes Him
    known to others. Such was the time of Israel’s exit from Egypt. They had gone into Egypt as a
    family of just o...

  • Images of God's Future; Psalms 108-112

    Episode 2

    "There have been many who attempt to explain how God has planned the end of time. But
    the truth is, while we may not know all the details, the LORD has already stated the ultimate
    outcome in prophecy. Psalm 110 is one example. The song speaks of a time after the judgment
    of Jesus Christ on the ea...

  • The Presence of God; Psalms 113-118

    Episode 3

    The words of Psalm 114 remind us of the strength and power of God’s presence. God’s presence
    is powerful, more powerful than anything, anywhere. Unfortunately, in our world today, it has
    become increasingly easy to deny God’s existence. It’s become vogue to ask questions about
    God while claiming ...

  • Truth; Psalms 119

    Episode 4

    As I read Psalm 119, I find myself reflecting on the nature of truth. The older I’ve gotten, the more aware I have become of the world’s lies. Truth seems to be the first thing that falls victim to evil. With his lies, satan deceived Eve, making way for sin to enter the human world. Now, we can

  • God's Protection; Psalms 120-125

    Episode 5

    Every follower of Jesus Christ matures and grows in the knowledge that God protects His people. And those who have committed their lives to God are His people. God protects that which is His, and He does so through healing and helping. As we mature in God, we realize that this does not mean we wi...

  • Music in Battle; Psalms 139-142

    Episode 6

    Psalm 140 is a clear cry for help in the midst of battle. It makes me think of music’s historic association with battle. Instruments were used to give important signals and instructions, music was played to synchronize movement, and played in the downtimes to revive the hearts of weary
    men. It wa...

  • Eternal Life; Psalms 143-146

    Episode 7

    While it is true that “this too shall pass,” as stated by a wise man when contemplating our modern societies, there are some things that don’t pass away. Circumstances change, time moves on, but as sure as the sun rises, sin left unchecked will grow. Sin presents us with an ongoing danger, it lin...

  • Judgement; Psalms 147-150

    Episode 8

    We all make judgments every day, sometimes without realizing we’re doing it and sometimes consciously and with great effort. The question is: Are we judging in a righteous, godly way, or are we judging how the world judges? And how do we know the difference? In this respect, the book of Proverbs ...

  • Wisdom; Proverbs 1-4

    Episode 9

    A key word in the book of Proverbs is wisdom. It means the ability to live life skillfully; a godly life in an ungodly world. Proverbs gives godly instructions on how to live in this troubled time. We would do very well to pay attention to it. Despite not always living in wisdom, King Solomon was...

  • Living Well; Proverbs 5-8

    Episode 10

    Proverbs 6 mentions three ways that we can get ourselves in trouble. The first is in what we say or promise to those around us. Sometimes it is better for us to keep quiet, rather than to say or promise too much. This protects us from finding ourselves caught up in the schemes of others. The seco...

  • Fear of the LORD; Proverbs 15-17

    Episode 11

    Many write off the Bible because they believe it is old and too hard to understand. Yet, I believe the Bible to be the most relevant book today. It has, and continues to show us, what has happened in history, why there is evil on the earth, and what will happen in the future, and that God will so...

  • Wasting Your Life; Proverbs 18-20

    Episode 12

    As a pastor, there were many people I had the privilege to speak to week by week who were coming to church all the while struggling to break their addictions with drugs and alcohol. One of those dear ones told me that she had been bound by drugs since she was about twelve years old. She also told...

  • Train Up A Child; Proverbs 21-24

    Episode 13

    If I only knew then what I know now!’ I have said that to myself time and time again. What about you? How would we change ourselves if we knew what we know now when we were young, say, teenagers? Great question! But the truth is, hindsight is always 20/20. One of the reasons we know what we know ...

  • Read Carefully; Proverbs 25-27

    Episode 14

    The Proverbs promise its readers that if we pay attention to the wisdom of God, then we will learn the ways of the LORD. Sometimes that seems complicated and even contradictory. For example, Proverbs 26 says, “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool a...

  • The Approach to God; Proverbs 28-31

    Episode 15

    The way we approach God is important. We must never do it casually and carelessly, or so formally that it becomes a barrier to true communication. We remember the holiness of God, and still trust in His mercy and grace that calls us to come to Him as we are. Let’s be truly committed to following ...

  • The Wise in Heart; Ecclesiates 7-9

    Episode 16

    It is one thing to say wise things, it is another thing to live in wisdom. Ecclesiastes speaks to the person who desires to live wisely. When we consider what it says, it seems like it’s putting a choice before us, to live wisely or just to sound wise. It is much easier to say wise things, but it...

  • God's Will; Ecclesiates 10-12

    Episode 17

    When I was growing up, my family was involved deeply in the church. We were often taught about the will of God. I remember doing a discipleship session and the Youth pastor talking about the will of God and how important it was. The instruction was good. It taught me that the pursuit of pleasure ...