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Up Next in June 2024

  • Wasting Your Life; Proverbs 18-20

    As a pastor, there were many people I had the privilege to speak to week by week who were coming to church all the while struggling to break their addictions with drugs and alcohol. one of those dear ones told me that she had been bound by drugs since she was about twelve years old. She also told...

  • Train Up A Child; Proverbs 21-24

    If I only knew then what I know now!' I have said that to myself time and time again. What about you? How would we change ourselves if we knew what we know now when we were young, say, teenagers? Great question! But the truth is, hindsight is always 20/20. one of the reasons we know what we know ...

  • Read Carefully; Proverbs 25-27

    The Proverbs promise its readers that if we pay attention to the wisdom of God, then we will learn the ways of the LORD. Sometimes that seems complicated and even contradictory. For example, Proverbs 26 says, Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool ac...