Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
12 Seasons
New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year. We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
28:30Episode 23
Return To The Land; Jeremiah 32-34
Episode 23
In Jeremiah 33, God tells us that He will return to His land, that He will uphold His covenant, and He did. 2000 years ago, He came and gave His life as a sacrifice for human sin. Three days later, He rose again becoming the firstborn from among the dead. Jesus did all of this so that we could ha...
28:30Episode 22
Israel; Jeremiah 29-31
Episode 22
God is not finished with Israel yet! I think that is safe to say in light of our reading today, and in light of recent events. In the past, this concept was harder to grasp because it seemed like the nation of Israel was gone forever. What was the chance of her ever coming back after nearly 2000 ...
28:30Episode 21
The Future; Jeremiah 26-28
Episode 21
God is in control of the world! That is the overwhelming message of the Scriptures and of our reading today in Jeremiah. There is no nation who becomes a superpower without the LORD knowing it. Ultimate authority is God's, over both the heavens and the earth. This is why it made sense for Jeremia...
28:30Episode 20
Evil! Hard To Change; Jeremiah17-19
Episode 20
Many men and women have everything they need to survive physically, and more. They don't have to worry about what tomorrow brings because they can afford it. The lie of this world is that physical wealth makes us secure and happy. We live in a world that worships money and comfort. We think that ...
28:30Episode 19
Judgment; Jeremiah 14-16
Episode 19
In many ways, Jeremiah was a broken man. He was called to deliver a message that was neither pleasant nor constructive. When a message is given to bring correction, those who hear the message have the opportunity to change their ways. Jeremiah's message to the people was God's word to a stubbornl...
28:34Episode 1
The Judgment
Episode 1
The book of Isaiah often speaks about the future. It speaks of humanity's ultimate destiny,
which is to be confronted by the reality of God and His righteous judgment. Christ will return
and rule, and all of the evil things we think we have gotten away with will be brought to
account. When God re... -
Episode 2
The name Babylon is fascinating. It sounds like a Hebrew word meaning confusion. During the
time of the prophet Isaiah, Babylon was the place where Judah was destined to be exiled for their rebellion against God. That Babylon is remembered in history as the neo-Babylonian Empire, and it had a gre... -
Episode 3
Moab, Israel and Judah had a rocky history with one another. Technically, they were related
as Moab was a descendant of Lot and his daughter, who were Abraham's nephew and great
niece. Moab lived east of the Dead Sea, on today's map, that ancient land is now owned by the nation of Jordan. During ... -
28:30Episode 4
Judah Needs Helpo; Isaiah 18-21
Episode 4
When we face crisis, we often look for solutions that have worked for us before. Many times,
these are practical and things we can physically do. We see the same tendency in Judah when
she faced the oncoming rage of the Assyrians; she looked to Egypt, a promising ally. The
problem was that God wa... -
28:30Episode 5
The Assyrian Threat
Episode 5
The ancient Middle East was devastated by the power of Assyria. Assyria became an empire
as it conquered city after city and nation after nation. Isaiah, chapter 23, covers how the
celebrated cities of Tyre and Sidon responded to Assyria and what happened to them. Even
in Judah there was tremendo... -
28:30Episode 6
Trouble Coming; Isaiah 30-32
Episode 6
In the time of the future millennial Kingdom, everything will be different. Jesus Christ will reign
in the flesh, and the principles of right and wrong will be made clear. Isaiah 32 speaks about
that time. It's still amazing to me that a prophet, generations before the birth of Christ, still
spea... -
28:30Episode 7
Vegeance; Isaiah 33-35
Episode 7
As I read Isaiah 34, it strikes me that the time of the millennium will be different than any other
time in history. By millennium, I'm referring to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ in which Christ
rules as King from Jerusalem for 1000 years. Revelation 19 talks about how Christ will destroy
... -
28:30Episode 8
Evil Speaks; Isaiah 36-37
Episode 8
As I reflect on the situation that King Hezekiah found himself in, it makes me think about evil and the confident lies it tells. When evil speaks to us as Christians, it is always a lie. When the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is our LORD then evil holds no sway over us; nothing can happen to u...
28:30Episode 9
Wrong View; Isaiah 38-40
Episode 9
People often look at what they have, to define their success or failure. If someone has a lot of
money or influence, we tend to say, Wow, look at all they have accomplished, they are very
successful.‚ Is this a good system of measurement? Do things give us everything we need for
this life and the... -
28:30Episode 10
Speaking Forward; Isaiah 41-42
Episode 10
Biblical prophecy can quickly become a hot button topic between even the closest of friends. I
think this is because so many of us try to speak to it, and to our future, using our own dreams,
definitions, and understandings. It is a call for humility. When we begin to know what the Bible
says abo... -
28:30Episode 11
The Chosen One; Isaiah 48-50
Episode 11
It is interesting to see how God used the words of the prophet Isaiah to speak from His Spirit.
In this very ancient book, God speaks about His Son, even reflecting what Jesus would say and
was all about; how Jesus would come and fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. Specifically, in
Isaiah 49, w... -
28:30Episode 12
Who Is Jesus Christ?; Isaiah 51-53
Episode 12
When we study the Scriptures and God's plan for His people, we see that, as the city of God,
Jerusalem comes to represent the people of God. In Isaiah 52, God tells the people that their
judgment is over. It makes me think about how we have messed ourselves up so badly that we
have no hope other ... -
28:30Episode 13
God's People; Isaiah 54-56
Episode 13
Who should we call the people of God? Is it genetic? Based on where you live? How you grew
up? The answer that we should care about is not from men, but from God, who talks about it
in Isaiah 56. The people of God are those who follow God, regardless of where they were born
or to whom they were b... -
28:30Episode 14
Serving God; Isaiah 57-59
Episode 14
Just because we think we're righteous, doesn't mean we are. What does it mean to truly serve
God? In Isaiah 58, we see that God was very angry with His people. They were saying that
they were serving God, and they were continuing their religious practices while at the same
time engaging in evil a... -
28:30Episode 15
The Holy Spirit; Isaiah 60-63
Episode 15
Isaiah 61 begins with the speaker, the Messiah, claiming that the Spirit of God is upon Him. We
have a lot of ideas today about the Holy Spirit, who He is and what He does. He accomplishes
great things in our lives, but the fundamental truth is that we first need salvation from our sin.
We were c... -
28:30Episode 16
Sorrow of Sin; Jeremiah 4-6
Episode 16
In Jeremiah 5, we see a good articulation of the sorrow that will follow a sinful lifestyle. Jeremiah indicts the city of Jerusalem who should know the ways of God, and the covenant they have with Him. This is the same God who brought Israel out of Egypt, who made a way for them and conquered the...
28:30Episode 17
Emptiness; Jeremiah 7-9
Episode 17
Jeremiah continues in his deep sorrow as he verbalizes the fall of God's people into sin. The shocking thing about their condition is that they did not have to fall. They could have kept their faith intact had they paid attention to the heart of God's laws. When we fail to remember the reason tha...
28:30Episode 18
The Broken Covenant; Jeremiah 10-13
Episode 18
Jeremiah 11 speaks about the serious nature of broken covenants with God. It is one thing to break a covenant with another person, but a totally different thing to break a covenant with God. As Christians, we live under the New Covenant that was brought about through the blood and work of Jesus ...