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Up Next in August 2024

  • The Truth; Ezekiel 18-20

    In our reading today, God crafts a lament about the people of Judah. Would they listen and learn or pass over the meaning? It's interesting to me how many ways God uses in His Word to communicate truth to us. In today's example, He uses pictures, imagery, and metaphors that speak on Judah's past ...

  • Forgotten God; Ezekiel 21-22

    Human behavior is fascinating, isn't it? So often we try to do what we think others want us to do, what they would approve of, because we want to look good in their eyes. Does human approval really matter though? What does it really get us in the long run? We can end up hurting ourselves by worki...

  • God Judges; Ezekiel 23-24

    It is not enough to believe that God exists as a higher power, or as a spiritual force. The Bible clearly portrays God as the God of all things, the Creator of the very universe. From Him comes all goodness and true morality. Even when it doesn't seem like it, God is active in the world. Even whe...