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Up Next in January, 2021

  • Passover; Exodus 11-13

    The LORD has placed wonderful promises of eternity in His Word. This is one of the things that makes the Bible as relevant today as it was when it was first written. Many of these promises can be seen in the covenants of the old Testament; some of which have been fulfilled, while others have only...

  • Bread from Heaven; Exodus 14-17

    God revealed Himself as Provider in Israel's absolute need. God had rescued them from slavery in Egypt and now He was showing them who He really was. In years past, Abraham and Isaac knew God, Jacob found out who God was; now, it was their descendants' turn. God was establishing them as a unique ...

  • The Ten Commandments; Exodus 18-21

    The Ten Commandments only appear twice in Scripture. They have been a topic of much division. By and large, our modern society claims that we have outgrown these very old ideas, but do we even know what they are? The Ten Commandments from God are recorded in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Many peop...