Whenever we have a task to fulfill, we usually have a couple of plans at hand to make sure it gets done. We see this concept at play with Sarah. She knew that God had promised a child and so she made plans for the child to be born. Abraham and Sarah were childless despite many years of marriage, and seemingly, despite God's promise. So, Sarah enacted the next plan. But was Sarah's plan B what God had in mind? We should never focus our attention on getting God's plan done ourselves. Instead, we should change our plans to what God wants. We need to learn to do things His way. This example from Sarah and Abraham shows us that human weakness is not the best way to accomplish God's will, but God does get things done anyway. Every day, there is something that the LORD has called us to accomplish. The question is: will we? Are we paying attention to what the LORD has told us to do, or do we just do what we want and then blame God if it goes bad? If we actively follow God, He will
be shown strong in our weakness; this helps us to understand how powerful He truly is.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in January, 2021
Evil; Genesis 18-20
When evil begins to take over it's often a slow fade, it's not an obvious mega shift to those experiencing it. Evil hides in our culture and makes its investments in people, changing their ways and their desires slowly. Evil grows and grows unchecked, with any opposition quickly swept away in its...
Jealousy; Genesis 21-22
Even after about 3,900 years, Abraham is still well known. A recent Middle Eastern peace treaty was named after him: The Abraham Accords. Many people still know his name, and many others have taken religious meaning from him. It is important though, that we allow the Bible to be the rule of truth...
Death; Genesis 23-25
We are told that death is a part of life, but it is not. Death was not originally a part of life! God told Adam and Eve to steer clear of sin so that they would not die. The book of Romans also makes this connection, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jes...