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Up Next in October, 2021

  • Back To Jerusalem; John 9-11

    Jerusalem was not the place where Jesus Christ was best protected. In fact, many so-called spiritual people there wanted Him dead. Jesus knew this and told His disciples that He was going anyway. one of the things Jesus had to do was raise Lazarus from the dead, because he had been sick. The disc...

  • Judging Jesus; John 18-19

    When Jesus Christ was arrested, they first took Him to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the High Priest in Jerusalem that year. It was Caiaphas who advised the Jews that it was beneficial that one Man should die for the people. They did not treat Jesus as the Holy Son of God, the Mes...

  • When It's All over; John 20-21

    When Jesus Christ was dead, it seemed like it was all over. This was the death of the so-called Messiah, and death is permanent. There was no one left to raise Jesus from the dead - He was the miracle worker. Death seems to be the constant enemy of humanity. In a battle, people kill each other ...