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Up Next in October, 2021

  • Death to Life; Luke 7-8

    Some of the most shocking and important miracles of Jesus were the times He brought people back from the dead. It was a serious marker of His spiritual authority, and surely, people were astounded by it. Today, apparently, a scientifically defined miracle is an event that has a probability of one...

  • Feeding The 5000; Luke 9-10

    Jesus Christ's ministry was full of joy and wellness. As thousands of people gathered to see and hear Jesus, He compassionately ministered to them. on one particular occasion we learn that Jesus has no food on hand for the crowd. The disciples knew this and told Jesus to break ministry and send t...

  • Be Persistent!; Luke 11-12

    When someone is persistent, they usually get what they need. Persistence is a critical exercise for followers of Jesus Christ as well. The LORD taught us the importance of persistence; when we act on our faith by pursuing the will of God. When we begin to live our lives for God our expectations s...