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Up Next in November, 2021

  • The Call to Macedonia; Acts 16-17

    Ancient Macedonia is a beautiful place that in today's world, is located between southeastern Albania and central northern Greece. In ancient times, the Macedonia mentioned in the New Testament was brought under control by Philip II, who lived from 359 - 336 BC. The chief city was renamed and e...

  • Paul's Journey Continues; Acts 18-20

    Paul, who before his conversion was called Saul, was a dynamic advocate for Christ Jesus. During Paul's second missionary journey, we can see how many people were upset and troubled by what he proclaimed. However, others were delighted in what Paul taught and were relieved by the healing and help...

  • The Soldiers; Acts 21-23

    Paul was always involved in some kind of conflict. Some people believe it was all for good, others see in the personality of this former Pharisee, a kind of troublemaker. Nevertheless, Paul, who knew the world of the Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders well, was confronted by them. The Sanhedr...