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Up Next in November, 2021

  • The Spirit of God; 1 Corinthians 4-6

    Paul speaks bluntly and honestly when he writes to the Church at Corinth about their specific sin. The Bible often speaks bluntly, and as we read it carefully we will see that sin is wrong and destructive in our lives. In our reading, Paul confronts the Corinthian Church with some heavy subjects....

  • Living From the Gospel; 1 Corinthians...

    There are many in the Church today who challenge the idea of fulltime ministers taking offerings to live from their work. Many in the Church at Corinth also protested the same thing, yet Paul not only defends this practice but challenges the people who think that way. God has made His gospel work...

  • Spiritual Gifts; 1 Corinthians 10-12

    Spiritual gifts are divinely inspired from the transformative power of God's Holy Spirit; we hear in a new way, we see in a new way. The Spirit of God is the basis of our supernatural walk with God. The Holy Spirit also enables us to see the way God sees. Spiritual gifts are mentioned by Paul whe...