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Up Next in November, 2021

  • When I'm Weak, He Is Strong; 2 Corint...

    Paul was a man who had great strength. However, he understood that it was not a strength that originated from him but was the power of God in him. Paul speaks to the Church at Corinth, and to us also, that to be mighty and strong in the LORD is to be meek and weak in the flesh. Many in today's cu...

  • Revelation of Jesus Christ; Galatians...

    When we pray for the persecuted Church, most of us do not truly understand the situations of those we are praying for. Increasingly, Christians in the West are beginning to get a small taste of what persecution means. Praise God! The book of The Acts of the Holy Spirit shows us how the Church of ...

  • Doubts; Galatians 3-4

    Paul spent much of his letter to the churches of Galatia encouraging them to think right! The problem that they were experiencing was that people had come from Jerusalem to make the Galatian Christians into Jewish Christians. They called these people Judaizers.‚ These Judaizers wanted all Christi...