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Up Next in December, 2021

  • Seven Bowls of Wrath; Revelation 14-16

    Revelation 16 begins by describing seven bowls of God's wrath, held by seven angels, being poured out on the earth. God's wrath is unique. We have experienced the wrath of man and have known the wrath of satan, but the wrath of God? The apostle Paul says, For God did not appoint us to wrath, but ...

  • The Final Government; Revelation 17-19

    Revelation 17 unfolds into a climactic set of events, revealing satan's scheme through political ambition and the spiritual forces of darkness: Babylon the Great and the Scarlet Beast. Seven kings are revealed, five of which have passed away, one still is, and a seventh has yet to come, and the b...

  • Satan's Last Stand; Revelation 20

    The Book of Life is the opposite of the second death. The first of several events to take place is the arrival of God in what is called the catching up‚. I believe that the Bible teaches us to be ready for the catching up, which, I believe, will soon take place. The last three chapters of Revelat...