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Up Next in March, 2021

  • Gideon; Judges 7-9

    As we study through the Bible we can see the level at which Israel fails God continue to grow. They fall at least seven times in the narrative of the book of Judges. Gideon was the fifth judge highlighted in these evil times. His call was unexpected, although, even he himself did not anticipate t...

  • A Civil War; Judges 18-21

    When evil is out in the open, it's easy to fight against it. But when evil is hidden in plain sight and rises on the inside - of society and our soul - it is very difficult to identify and even easier to ignore. The nation slowly splits and fights against itself. If left unresolved, a civil w...

  • Naomi & Ruth; Ruth 1-4

    The book of Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges in Israel. It is a true story about a Jewish woman named Naomi and a Moabite woman named Ruth, great-grandmother of King David. The narrative begins with Naomi, her husband and two sons leaving Israel to go to the land of Moab to avoid a ...