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Up Next in March, 2021

  • Tragedy; 2 Samuel 16-19

    David's final confrontation with his son Absalom is, perhaps, one of the great tragedies in the Bible. Absalom staged a coup against his father David. So, they met for battle. 2 Samuel 18 records the end of this rebellion and Absalom's final moments. David told the men to be gentle with Absalom. ...

  • The Power of God; 2 Samuel 20-22

    In 2 Samuel 22, David sings a psalm to God for us all - He is our rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, Saviour. All of these qualities describe the fullness of God's unwavering protection and faithfulness over our lives, especially when he says, The LORD is my rock‚ (V. 2 ) . Bedrock, for...

  • Mighty Men; 2 Samuel 23-24

    David's mighty men were the best soldiers in Israel, but they still needed someone to guide them. They needed a leader. God was preparing and training David to become king early on in his life, while he was still a shepherd. Like the mighty men, while they were an unstoppable force, their hearts ...