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Up Next in April, 2021

  • The Separated ones; Ezra 1-4

    Second only to Moses in the mind of many Jewish rabbis was the priest Ezra. He was a very skilled scribe, an expert in the religious order of the Jewish nation and had great understanding of the Mosaic Law. In many ways, he was the leader of the Jewish exiles who desired to return to Jerusalem af...

  • The People and the City; Nehemiah 5-7

    The city of Jerusalem has a rich and holy history. It flourished during the time of David and the economy boomed under Solomon's wisdom. Long before that, in the time of Abraham, it was known as Salem, meaning peace‚. In fact, Jewish tradition suggests that Shem, the son of Noah, was an early kin...

  • Following God; Nehemiah 8-10

    A city that's rebuilt will never quite be the same as its original. Not only in its final form, but the process to get there is different as well. For Nehemiah and the Israelites, it was more than just structural, it was cultural and religious; it was for God. It meant rebuilding the walls of Jer...