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Up Next in April, 2021

  • Following God; Nehemiah 8-10

    A city that's rebuilt will never quite be the same as its original. Not only in its final form, but the process to get there is different as well. For Nehemiah and the Israelites, it was more than just structural, it was cultural and religious; it was for God. It meant rebuilding the walls of Jer...

  • Living in Jerusalem; Nehemiah 11-13

    Jerusalem is called God's city. The LORD will return there, in His perfect timing. Throughout history, God's city has had many difficult times and some great times. Today, Jerusalem is a city populated by about one million people and growing. There is a whole wave of modern Jews making Aliyah‚ to...

  • Destroying the Jews; Esther 1-4

    The Jewish people have been living with a target on their back for centuries and centuries. As early as the time of the Exile all the way to Nazi Germany, antisemitism seems all too spiritual. It even manifested among early (false) Christians in the first few centuries. But remember that sin, sat...