Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
Faith & Righteousness; Psalms 9-14
Season 5, Episode 9
Music reveals the truths of God but not in a subtle, insignificant or casual way. The LORD's character is indescribably beautiful. God's ways are right, totally right, and never, ever false or evil. Music is an amazing way to communicate this, and the Psalms make it clear that God is miraculous, magnificent and meaningful. Psalm 11 is a stunning example of those who have faith in the LORD because of His righteousness. God's will, works, words, and ways are a testimony of His enduring righteousness - His character harmonizes with those who faithfully seek His face and desire to do His will. In this world, we learn to accept things that are imperfect. In the next world (eternity), there is only perfection. God's perfection cannot tolerate imperfection. The Bible is absolutely clear about that, as Paul said, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption‚ ( 1 CoRINTHIANS 15:50).
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in May, 2021
Worthy vs. Worthless; Psalms 15-18
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To Be Right With God; Psalms 29-32
What does it mean to be right with God‚? For starters, being right with God is not something we can do in ourselves. We are not holy by nature. It is a gift from the LORD through Jesus Christ. We depend upon God for everything good. So, we have to pay close attention to our reasoning and emotions...
Wickedness & Perfection; Psalms 33-36
When the Bible says God is perfect, it means more than just perfectly good. God is perfect in all things - logic, emotion, action, purpose, judgment, truth, etc. But the meaning of perfection is lost on a lot of people, if not everyone. We have a sense of it, like how eternity is written on our...