Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)

12 Seasons

New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God’s Word in all ways.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
  • Sing Praise To God!; Psalms 95-100

    Episode 1

    oh, sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth!‚ These words open Psalm 96 to give thanks and praise to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    This is how the writer of Psalm 96 brings praise to God. Songs and music are key in setting up praise and worship. Many people have forg...

  • God's Enduring Love; Psalms 101-104

    Episode 2

    Psalm 102 is a prayer of the afflicted, when overwhelmed with pain. The Psalms focus on praise and worship but also trouble and pain. When we go through difficult times and cry out to God, what do we sound like? God provided the Psalms so that, when we pray, we can have the sounds of God and His ...

  • God Is Faithful; Psalms 105-107

    Episode 3

    Amazing things happen when we truly understand God's faithfulness. of course, we never fully understand it; but what we can gather is that God's faithfulness saved our soul. When we respond to God's salvation, things begin to change everywhere in our life.

    Psalm 105 encourages us to let people a...

  • Victorious God!; Psalms 108-112

    Episode 4

    Give us help from trouble, for the help of man is useless. Through God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies‚ - PSALM 108:12-13. This passage shows that the help of man with all his machines is no help at all! If we are to gain spiritual, social and physical victor...

  • Tell the Truth!; Psalms 120-125

    Episode 5

    The lying tongue is difficult to navigate around. Even if you're devoted to truth, it is easy to get caught up in a lie. one thing to remember is that staying quiet and not defending yourself is a good reaction. When we defend ourselves, we take the position that no one else cares for truth or, i...

  • Prospering With God; Psalms 126-134

    Episode 6

    The LORD God Almighty is always correct and all-powerful. Some do not believe this statement when truly challenged. If God is who the Bible says He is, we have no choice but to follow His ways.

    But many do not believe for a variety of reasons. Most are personal choice, but there are some people ...

  • His Mercy Endures; Psalms 135-138

    Episode 7

    As human beings, the mercy of God is hard to understand because in our mind's eye we see limits. So, when we gain mercy from someone, it says much to us about their character. After time though, human mercy runs out. We understand that people can only go so far before they lose it! There is no on...

  • The All-Knowing God; Psalms 139-142

    Episode 8

    God is everywhere all the time! He is always watching across time and space. This is problematic for many scientists or secular humanists. They cannot understand, because God is so far above human understanding. But what if there is a God so far beyond us that we cannot imagine Him caring for us?...

  • Praise The LORD!; Psalms 143-146

    Episode 9

    Today's modern culture is rapidly transforming into that global spiritual "climate" change mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:1-3 which says, But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to pa...

  • The Way of Escape; Proverbs 5-8

    Episode 10

    Temptation is not a sin, but falling for it and into sin is devastating. This is what Proverbs covers. It speaks to our life, telling us to avoid temptations beyond our control. Interestingly, the Bible commands that we keep our mind submitted only to God. His Holy Spirit keeps our thinking focus...

  • Living Wisely; Proverbs 9-11

    Episode 11

    God's wisdom is good and righteous. Righteous means being right with Him. Being right with God makes us wise in this life and beyond. There are ways to view our conditions in life and determine whether we are wise or unwise.

    Proverbs 10 demonstrates many of those. The Proverbs report many things...

  • The Right Way to Wisdom; Proverbs 12-14

    Episode 12

    In the Bible, a wise son is commended for his willingness to heed his father's instruction. The scoffer's lack of wisdom is also highlighted as not listening to rebuke. Wisdom is sought when learning. With the right attitude, there is great power when learning from the right people. Not every tea...

  • Applying Wisdom; Proverbs 15-17

    Episode 13

    The Proverbs use various techniques to communicate what and how God's wisdom is gathered and applied to our life. We gain eternal wisdom in this life when we listen and follow the Word of God. our LORD supplied the book of Proverbs to help us learn His divine wisdom. Remarkably, much of this divi...

  • The Lonely; Proverbs 18-20

    Episode 14

    Today, people find themselves isolated from real involvement and interaction with others. Recently, the pandemic has seen a level of social distancing and isolation from friends and family of which many have never experienced, or could have imagined, in their lifetime. others have taken this time...

  • Me, Me, and Me!; Proverbs 28-31

    Episode 15

    People whose life is hateful are those who build their life for themselves only. Some are filled with rage and work hard at making things difficult for others. Then there are those who work to make life good for others. Truly, how we live is what we become. "The bloodthirsty hate the blameless, b...

  • Nothing New; Ecclesiastes 1-3

    Episode 16

    The word Bible means book. This particular Book consists of sixty-six smaller books covering history, prophecy, inspiration, wisdom and, believe it or not, vanity!

    Vanity is defined in English as excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements. In Hebrew, the word for van...

  • A Threefold Chord; Ecclesiastes 4-6

    Episode 17

    Ecclesiastes tells us three persons are better than one: Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken‚ - ECCLESIASTES. 4:12.

    The book of Ecclesiastes shares the story of life without God. The LORD is the Missing Link in the fabric ...

  • Practical Words of Wisdom; Ecclesiastes 7-9

    Episode 18

    The writer of Ecclesiastes reasons that the fundamentals of life are well known and there is nothing to be added. In other words, there is no one who is going to find out something that changes the basic truths of life. He gives some practical and wise sayings like: A good name is better than the...

  • Acting & Reacting; Ecclesiastes 10-12

    Episode 19

    There is a way to explain foolishness and wisdom. The most obvious clues to both are the way we act and react to the things we encounter. our actions and reactions are watched, if not by many, by God alone. If we are wise, we will respond with wisdom; if we are foolish, we will respond accordingl...

  • Isaiah's Message; Isaiah 1-3

    Episode 20

    The prophet's name is Isaiah. He is chosen by God to minister over a forty-year period, with the understanding that God speaks through him. His book is remarkable! It is like a mini-Bible. There are sixty-six chapters, as there are sixty-six books in the Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters are ...

  • Isaiah's Prophecies; Isaiah 4-5

    Episode 21

    Isaiah continues his prophecies of the future of Israel from the eighth century BC. Keep in mind, when reading these passages, that to Isaiah the future is different. There are prophecies that speak of desperate times when women will have a shortage of men. The Branch of the LORD seems to refer t...

  • The Vision; Isaiah 6-8

    Episode 22

    The vision of Isaiah is remarkably stunning. It changes the way we see God's work and helps us understand the holiness of His presence. Isaiah says he sees other creatures in Heaven and watches their work in God's plan. An incredible thing to remember is these angels and this work continues even ...

  • June, 2021 Bible Discovery Guide: Psalms - Isaiah

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