Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
Acting & Reacting; Ecclesiastes 10-12
Season 6, Episode 19
There is a way to explain foolishness and wisdom. The most obvious clues to both are the way we act and react to the things we encounter. our actions and reactions are watched, if not by many, by God alone. If we are wise, we will respond with wisdom; if we are foolish, we will respond accordingly. The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that how we respond is seen.
As we work through our life, we must realize how we react to the things that come our way tell the story of who and what we are. Believers in Jesus Christ claim they have discovered the essence of life; in fact, eternal life. So, if we follow and obey the LORD Jesus, our life will tell the story.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in June, 2021
Isaiah's Message; Isaiah 1-3
The prophet's name is Isaiah. He is chosen by God to minister over a forty-year period, with the understanding that God speaks through him. His book is remarkable! It is like a mini-Bible. There are sixty-six chapters, as there are sixty-six books in the Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters are ...
Isaiah's Prophecies; Isaiah 4-5
Isaiah continues his prophecies of the future of Israel from the eighth century BC. Keep in mind, when reading these passages, that to Isaiah the future is different. There are prophecies that speak of desperate times when women will have a shortage of men. The Branch of the LORD seems to refer t...
The Vision; Isaiah 6-8
The vision of Isaiah is remarkably stunning. It changes the way we see God's work and helps us understand the holiness of His presence. Isaiah says he sees other creatures in Heaven and watches their work in God's plan. An incredible thing to remember is these angels and this work continues even ...