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Up Next in June, 2021

  • The Lonely; Proverbs 18-20

    Today, people find themselves isolated from real involvement and interaction with others. Recently, the pandemic has seen a level of social distancing and isolation from friends and family of which many have never experienced, or could have imagined, in their lifetime. others have taken this time...

  • Me, Me, and Me!; Proverbs 28-31

    People whose life is hateful are those who build their life for themselves only. Some are filled with rage and work hard at making things difficult for others. Then there are those who work to make life good for others. Truly, how we live is what we become. "The bloodthirsty hate the blameless, b...

  • Nothing New; Ecclesiastes 1-3

    The word Bible means book. This particular Book consists of sixty-six smaller books covering history, prophecy, inspiration, wisdom and, believe it or not, vanity!

    Vanity is defined in English as excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements. In Hebrew, the word for van...