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Up Next in June, 2021

  • Prospering With God; Psalms 126-134

    The LORD God Almighty is always correct and all-powerful. Some do not believe this statement when truly challenged. If God is who the Bible says He is, we have no choice but to follow His ways.

    But many do not believe for a variety of reasons. Most are personal choice, but there are some people ...

  • His Mercy Endures; Psalms 135-138

    As human beings, the mercy of God is hard to understand because in our mind's eye we see limits. So, when we gain mercy from someone, it says much to us about their character. After time though, human mercy runs out. We understand that people can only go so far before they lose it! There is no on...

  • The All-Knowing God; Psalms 139-142

    God is everywhere all the time! He is always watching across time and space. This is problematic for many scientists or secular humanists. They cannot understand, because God is so far above human understanding. But what if there is a God so far beyond us that we cannot imagine Him caring for us?...