Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)

Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)

12 Seasons

New episodes five days each week, Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show is designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.

From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God’s Word in all ways.

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Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
  • The Promised Son; Isaiah 9-11

    Episode 1

    Isaiah is famous as the prophet of God who spoke about the future birth of Jesus Christ - the Promised Son, the Prince of Peace. The inheritor of David's throne would come into the world and provide a rescue for the sin that had tarnished creation. The Wonderful Counselor who provides the way o...

  • Israel's Return; Isaiah 12-14

    Episode 2

    What God reveals through His prophets is true and proven. We witness the conclusion of God's punishment upon Israel, as they return from seventy years of exile. God chose to fulfill the Sabbath years that were not observed during the time of the Kings. God tells the eighth century BC prophet, Isa...

  • Climates Will Change; Isaiah 22-24

    Episode 3

    Biblical prophecy often surprises the reader. Isaiah 24 strongly and strikingly speaks of the earth drying up, withering, and being burned. The method through which God judged the evil earth back in Genesis, via global flood, is no longer the issue. Lack of water and fire is! This is really intri...

  • Beginning of the End; Isaiah 25-27

    Episode 4

    Eschatology is a word that means the study of the last things. It relates to the end of this world as we know it, and how God will continue. God uses His prophets to share messages about the end of time and the beginning of eternity. Isaiah 27 is a part of a larger whole that speaks about how God...

  • Making God LORD Again; Isaiah 28-29

    Episode 5

    The second of five woes is aimed at Jerusalem. In Isaiah 29:1, the Bible says: Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt‚ Many scholars point out that the meaning of the word Ariel in Hebrew is lion of God' - portraying a strong city. It is relevant that the Hebrew word Ariel sounds l...

  • Choose God's Help; Isaiah 30-32

    Episode 6

    An important thing to remember is that God offers help. The people of ancient Israel forgot this; specifically, those living after the time of the prophet Isaiah. God was always there to accept repentance, but the people only saw His failure to help them. This is a common human problem. We only s...

  • A Capable Saviour; Isaiah 33-35

    Episode 7

    Isaiah 33 is a dramatic portrayal of judgment and redemption. It contains a prayer in a time of deep distress. For His people, God was going to move on their behalf, despite their great failure. When God and His ways are ignored, sin compounds on sin. Yet, when we repent, God will enact a plan of...

  • The Servant of the LORD; Isaiah 41-42

    Episode 8

    Amazingly, the works of Jesus Christ are written in the book of Isaiah, chapter 42. Seven hundred years before Christ would walk the earth, God had the prophet record His plans. It is interesting that God proclaims His work to us in certain ways. God is always present, even through the bad decisi...

  • There Is No other God; Isaiah 43-44

    Episode 9

    Isaiah 44 looks at the blessing of God on Israel as His special chosen people from among the nations. In this passage, God's unique nature as Creator, King, and Redeemer of Israel is established to provide a stark contrast to manmade idols. Idols and the making of idols are described as absurd. T...

  • Appointment With Truth; Isaiah 45-47

    Episode 10

    The Bible's overall theme is the rescue of humanity. It is not focused on a nation or a people but on God's plan. He works with us as we come to Him, His ways, and His reality. In this life, everyone must face the reality of a decision for or against Jesus Christ. In today's passage we read again...

  • The Servant; our Hope; Isaiah 48-50

    Episode 11

    How is it possible that the redemption of the LORD is not of value to those who need it to stay alive? As we grow older, why do we search in vain turning toward technology and new ways of thinking to preserve our life? What is it in this life we are trying to preserve? Many people claim that our ...

  • The City of God; Isaiah 51-53

    Episode 12

    Jerusalem is mentioned more than any other city in the Bible. In the New Testament, the apostle John says that the New Jerusalem comes from God and descends to the new earth as the headquarters of God's Kingdom. He writes, Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first...

  • Praise the LORD!; Isaiah 60-63

    Episode 13

    The LORD is to be praised! The theme of the transformation of God's people continues in Isaiah 62 with the assurance of Zion's salvation. From shame they will rise in glory, thanks to what their LORD God has done and will do. When we look at the prophetic, we often see judgments and warnings, but...

  • Tremble at His Word; Isaiah 64-66

    Episode 14

    Religion is man's way of finding and connecting with God. The LORD made a way for ancient Israel to connect with Him, and He has made a way for us to connect with Him. This way cannot be fulfilled through religion. our connection with God must be physical and spiritual. Jesus Christ came - full...

  • The Call; Jeremiah 1-3

    Episode 15

    God calls each of us to a unique task. He has purposes for all of us. Unfortunately, there are many who choose to go against His call. All too often we make life all about ourselves. We tirelessly look for ways to make life better for us. What if there's more than this? What if we can help others...

  • God's Justice in Judgment; Jeremiah 4-6

    Episode 16

    only one thing is worse than God's judgment on the world: God's judgment on those who know Him and so, should know better. We must love the LORD and His ways. In Jeremiah 5, we learn about the corruption and immorality of God's people in Jerusalem. They loved God for what He was, not who He was. ...

  • Set Your Heart; Jeremiah 7-9

    Episode 17

    The people of Judah were in a bad place, and Jeremiah was called to prophesy against them. His words gave them the option of repentance, and he declared them at the gate of the Temple. Their problem though, was that they had believed their own lies. They believed that God would continue to help t...

  • God Shows; Jeremiah 17-19

    Episode 18

    God gave Jeremiah more than just words to speak, He also gave him specific assignments to carry out as visual prophecies for the people. The people were given multiple ways to understand the messages of God. Jeremiah 19 records that God told Jeremiah to purchase an earthen vessel from a potter to...

  • Trouble and obedience; Jeremiah 20-22

    Episode 19

    When we suffer, it can feel isolating. Too often, suffering makes us feel like God does not care about or concern Himself with our despair. Thankfully, the truth is that God does concern Himself with human suffering. God suffers with us. In a very real sense, God can understand our suffering thro...

  • Saving the Sheep; Jeremiah 23-25

    Episode 20

    Shepherd is a word often used in the Bible to represent leaders of men. Leaders chosen by God to take care of His people: the sheep of My pasture.' At times, those shepherds failed to carry out their assignments well. And other times, shepherds not chosen by God still managed to be put in place ...

  • Pay Attention; Jeremiah 26-28

    Episode 21

    Just as God did with Judah and Jerusalem, He has tried many times to get the attention of people around the world. God loves His creation, but He will judge those living apart from His will. As the world rejects the Gospel of Christ and the reality of God time and time again, His patience will co...

  • A Letter from God; Jeremiah 29-31

    Episode 22

    Jerusalem's administration crashed. The city was forced into a political takeover by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and many people were carried away to the conquering city of Babylon. At that time, some so-called prophets who lived among them told the Jews that they would quickly return from there. B...

  • July, 2021 Bible Discovery Guide: Isaiah - Jeremiah

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