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Up Next in July, 2021

  • The Servant of the LORD; Isaiah 41-42

    Amazingly, the works of Jesus Christ are written in the book of Isaiah, chapter 42. Seven hundred years before Christ would walk the earth, God had the prophet record His plans. It is interesting that God proclaims His work to us in certain ways. God is always present, even through the bad decisi...

  • There Is No other God; Isaiah 43-44

    Isaiah 44 looks at the blessing of God on Israel as His special chosen people from among the nations. In this passage, God's unique nature as Creator, King, and Redeemer of Israel is established to provide a stark contrast to manmade idols. Idols and the making of idols are described as absurd. T...

  • Appointment With Truth; Isaiah 45-47

    The Bible's overall theme is the rescue of humanity. It is not focused on a nation or a people but on God's plan. He works with us as we come to Him, His ways, and His reality. In this life, everyone must face the reality of a decision for or against Jesus Christ. In today's passage we read again...